
Showing posts from July, 2019

New Subclade Announcement: E-Y145773

We are happy to announce the discovery of a new subclade and its addition to YFull! The new subclade is E-Y145773, and it is downstream E-A12313/E-A12255.  Both members defining this subclade have been very helpful in their contributions to the project. Many thanks! It is a two-SNP subclade, defined by the SNPs Y145773 and A24460/FT58200 YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this particular subclade is approximately 450 years ago, equal to the TMRCA of its parent E-A12313/E-A12255. Due to the relatively recent split of this subclade, this may be a good estimate, though more recent testing of A12313+ members is needed for a more accurate age estimate.   This subclade is associated with groups  D51 and D52  in the Y-DNA results page  here , along with its siblings in E-A19388 and E-A12313*.  The two members of this subclade trace their paternal lines from Poland and Ukraine. Due to the age of this subclade, and the relation of that ...

New Subclade Announcement: E-Y140463

I am personally very excited to announce the recognition of new subclade by YFull! The subclade is called E-Y140463, and it is downstream E-Y17226.  Many thanks to the other Big Y tester, his admin, and Judy & Igor for helping me order my Big Y! It is a single SNP subclade, defined by the SNP Y140463. With both kits, YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this subclade is approximately 500 years ago. Given the value spread for genetic distances within this group, this may be a good estimate, though more testing is needed to confirm.  This subclade is associated with group  B21, B22, and B99  in the Y-DNA results page  here . If your kit is in one of these groups, and you would like to confirm that you are positive for the SNP defining this subclade, please send an admin an email.  According to the countries of origin for project members in group B21 and B22, this subclade looks to be primarily centered around Poland, with many members...