
Showing posts from December, 2019

New Subclade Announcment: E-Y134153

We are happy to announce the discovery of a new subclade and its addition to YFull! The new subclade is E-Y134153, and it is downstream E-A12313/E-A12255.  Thanks to the two Big Y testers whose kits are now defining the new subclade! It is a one SNP subclade, defined by the mutation Y134153. This mutation is also called A20729.  YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this particular subclade is approximately 375 years ago, one hundred years later than the TMRCA of its parent E-A12313/E-A12255. Due to the amount of testing within E-A12313/E-A12255, this is likely a good estimate.  This subclade is associated with groups  DA51 and DA52  in the Y-DNA results page  here , along with its siblings in the E-A12313/E-A12255 subclade.  Both members of this subclade trace their paternal lines from Lithuania. It is unknown if their common ancestor lived in Lithuania as well, or rather further west in accordance with other indications from its s...

New Subclade Announcement: E-Y182211

We are enthused to announce the recognition of another subclade by YFull! The subclade is called E-Y182211, and it is downstream E-Y18621. Many thanks to the two Big Y testers whose kits are now defining the new subclade at YFull. It is a five SNP subclade defined by the mutations Y182211, Y182212, Y182213, Y182214, and Y182215. These are also called FT157343, FT157624, FT157038, FT157874, and FT157794 respectfully. With these two kits, YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this subclade is approximately 275 years ago. This is quite recent, and hopefully we will find candidates to split some of these SNPs into a new subclade.  This subclade is primarily associated with group  D62  in the Y-DNA results page  here . If your kit is in this group, and you would like to confirm that you are positive for the SNPs defining this subclade, please send an admin an email.  Looking at the geographic origins of the two Big Y testers, we have one from Czech...

New Subclade Announcement: E-Y107937

After a short break, we are excited to announce the recognition of another subclade by YFull! The subclade is called E-Y107937, and it is downstream E-A15856. Many thanks to our two Big Y testers whose kits are now defining the new subclade at YFull. It is a one SNP subclade defined by the mutation Y107937.  With these two kits, YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this subclade is approximately 600 years ago. As this is the same age as its parent E-A15856, it is likely that this subclade was formed quite quickly after its parent. This is normally indicative of a short period of large population growth.  This subclade is primarily associated with group  D11 and secondarily with D02  in the Y-DNA results page  here . If your kit is in this group, and you would like to confirm that you are positive for the SNPs defining this subclade, please send an admin an email.  According to the countries of origin for members of E-A15856, this subcla...