
Showing posts from 2019

New Subclade Announcment: E-Y134153

We are happy to announce the discovery of a new subclade and its addition to YFull! The new subclade is E-Y134153, and it is downstream E-A12313/E-A12255.  Thanks to the two Big Y testers whose kits are now defining the new subclade! It is a one SNP subclade, defined by the mutation Y134153. This mutation is also called A20729.  YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this particular subclade is approximately 375 years ago, one hundred years later than the TMRCA of its parent E-A12313/E-A12255. Due to the amount of testing within E-A12313/E-A12255, this is likely a good estimate.  This subclade is associated with groups  DA51 and DA52  in the Y-DNA results page  here , along with its siblings in the E-A12313/E-A12255 subclade.  Both members of this subclade trace their paternal lines from Lithuania. It is unknown if their common ancestor lived in Lithuania as well, or rather further west in accordance with other indications from its s...

New Subclade Announcement: E-Y182211

We are enthused to announce the recognition of another subclade by YFull! The subclade is called E-Y182211, and it is downstream E-Y18621. Many thanks to the two Big Y testers whose kits are now defining the new subclade at YFull. It is a five SNP subclade defined by the mutations Y182211, Y182212, Y182213, Y182214, and Y182215. These are also called FT157343, FT157624, FT157038, FT157874, and FT157794 respectfully. With these two kits, YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this subclade is approximately 275 years ago. This is quite recent, and hopefully we will find candidates to split some of these SNPs into a new subclade.  This subclade is primarily associated with group  D62  in the Y-DNA results page  here . If your kit is in this group, and you would like to confirm that you are positive for the SNPs defining this subclade, please send an admin an email.  Looking at the geographic origins of the two Big Y testers, we have one from Czech...

New Subclade Announcement: E-Y107937

After a short break, we are excited to announce the recognition of another subclade by YFull! The subclade is called E-Y107937, and it is downstream E-A15856. Many thanks to our two Big Y testers whose kits are now defining the new subclade at YFull. It is a one SNP subclade defined by the mutation Y107937.  With these two kits, YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this subclade is approximately 600 years ago. As this is the same age as its parent E-A15856, it is likely that this subclade was formed quite quickly after its parent. This is normally indicative of a short period of large population growth.  This subclade is primarily associated with group  D11 and secondarily with D02  in the Y-DNA results page  here . If your kit is in this group, and you would like to confirm that you are positive for the SNPs defining this subclade, please send an admin an email.  According to the countries of origin for members of E-A15856, this subcla...

New Subclade Announcement: E-Y145773

We are happy to announce the discovery of a new subclade and its addition to YFull! The new subclade is E-Y145773, and it is downstream E-A12313/E-A12255.  Both members defining this subclade have been very helpful in their contributions to the project. Many thanks! It is a two-SNP subclade, defined by the SNPs Y145773 and A24460/FT58200 YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this particular subclade is approximately 450 years ago, equal to the TMRCA of its parent E-A12313/E-A12255. Due to the relatively recent split of this subclade, this may be a good estimate, though more recent testing of A12313+ members is needed for a more accurate age estimate.   This subclade is associated with groups  D51 and D52  in the Y-DNA results page  here , along with its siblings in E-A19388 and E-A12313*.  The two members of this subclade trace their paternal lines from Poland and Ukraine. Due to the age of this subclade, and the relation of that ...

New Subclade Announcement: E-Y140463

I am personally very excited to announce the recognition of new subclade by YFull! The subclade is called E-Y140463, and it is downstream E-Y17226.  Many thanks to the other Big Y tester, his admin, and Judy & Igor for helping me order my Big Y! It is a single SNP subclade, defined by the SNP Y140463. With both kits, YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this subclade is approximately 500 years ago. Given the value spread for genetic distances within this group, this may be a good estimate, though more testing is needed to confirm.  This subclade is associated with group  B21, B22, and B99  in the Y-DNA results page  here . If your kit is in one of these groups, and you would like to confirm that you are positive for the SNP defining this subclade, please send an admin an email.  According to the countries of origin for project members in group B21 and B22, this subclade looks to be primarily centered around Poland, with many members...

New Subclade Announcement: E-BY192463

We are excited to announce the recognition of new subclade by YFull! The subclade is called E-BY192463, and it is downstream E-Y17226. Thanks to our two Big Y testers for their support and patience.  It is a two SNP subclade, defined by the SNPs BY192463 and BY192625.  With these two kits, YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this subclade is approximately 600 years ago. Given the small number of potenial clade-mates, this may be a fairly accurate prediction.  This subclade is associated with group  B12  in the Y-DNA results page  here . If your kit is in this group, and you would like to confirm that you are positive for the SNPs defining this subclade, please send an admin an email.  According to the countries of origin for project members in group B12, this subclade seems to be unlike most other subclades in the project. With origins in Bessarabia, Romania, and Hungary, it appears to be affiliated more with the earlier Ashkenazi...

FAQ: Ordering SNPs or an STR upgrade

Hello Project Members, For most people, a Big Y test does not fit into the budget for an individual's genetic genealogy. So, to make progress through Y-DNA, strategically ordering SNPs and/or upgrading one's STR marker results can be a very helpful alternative to the project as well as individual genealogies. One can test SNPs and STR markers at both FTDNA and at YSEQ. Here we will explain how one can order one of these tests if we predict that it is needed, or if you are just curious. Ordering a SNP through FTDNA 1) Log into your FTDNA account 2) Click the "Addons and upgrades" on the top of the page 3) Scroll all the way down and click on "Advanced SNP order form" -Or, click here: 4) Type in the name of the specific SNP you wish to order 5) Complete the payment 6) The test will be batched within a few days, after which an estimated return period will be given Ordering an STR upgrade through F...

FAQ: Joining other projects

Hello Project Members, As you all know, our specific project primary runs through Family Tree DNA. However, the nature of our work means that we are affiliated with other projects at FTDNA as well as other companies entirely. It is often necessarily or at least very helpful for project members to be in each project, as long as it applies to the amount of testing already done. Please follow these instructions to join each specific project group. Thank you! AvotaynuDNA Project at FTDNA - For all project members who have tested with FTDNA 1) Sign into your account at 2) Go to the Avotaynu project page: 3) Click "JOIN" in the upper right. 4) Generally, it is best if you give them advanced access which they may need if you ever end up ordering a Big Y test through them. 5) Follow through all the steps and it will be complete! E-Y14891 Project at - For all project members who have tes...

New Subclade Announcement: E-FGC71938

We are excited to announce the recognition of another subclade by YFull! The subclade is called E-FGC71938, and it is downstream E-Z36149. Many thanks to our Big Y tester and the FGC Y-Elite tester whose kits are now defining the new subclade at YFull. It is a three SNP subclade, including the SNPs FGC71938, FGC71940, and FGC71943.  With these two kits, YFull's age estimate for the TMRCA of this subclade is approximately 600 years ago. More testing is needed to get a more refined age estimate.  This subclade is associated with group A70 in the Y-DNA results page here . If your kit is in this group, and you would like to confirm that you are positive for the SNPs defining this subclade, please send an admin an email.  According to the countries of origin for project members in group A70, this subclade seems to be centered around the more Eastern countries of Poland, Belarus, and especially Ukraine. This contrasts with the origin of most other Z36149+ p...

Welcome to the E-Y14891 (AB-005) Project Blog!

Hello Project Members! We are proud to begin our new Project Blog which will serve as a better medium for communication between project members and project admins. On the blog, we will regularly update as to our progress in multiple areas, as well as hope to hear the thoughts and ideas of project members. Posts will be organized in this fashion: 1) New subclade announcements, coming from recognition from YFull 2) Our Introduction to Y-DNA series, which will help to eliminate confusion around Y-DNA testing 3) Historical and Geographical analysis, using our findings through Y-DNA testing to learn more about our shared ancestors 4) Any other project business that requires a post, especially some common "How-to's" for project members We would like to thank all project members for all of their help up to this point, and we hope from now on we will better communicate and help with the understanding of how your results relate to your family, and to our greater shared hi...