New Subclade Announcement: E-FT34550

We are happy to announce the acceptance of a new subclade by YFull! The new subclade is E-FT34550, and it is downstream E-FT33868. 

Many thanks to the two Big Y testers whose kits are now defining the new subclade for their patience and support of the project!

It is a single SNP subclade, defined by the mutation FT34550.

YFull's estimate for the Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) of this subclade is only 50 years, based on the fact that neither kit has any novel SNPs. We have the benefit of having trees back into the late 1700s for these two lines, with genealogical no connection in sight. It's likely that FT34550 occurred sometime in the early to mid 1700s, with these two lines branching off before any genealogically pertinent information could be saved. 

This subclade is associated with groups C01 in the Y-DNA results page here, along with its siblings in the E-FT33868 subclade. 

The geographic situation for this subclade is an interesting one. As the subclade really cannot be that much older than 250-300 years, and considering the fact that we have the ancestral towns of both lines traced back to the late 1700s, there's only a few possible options. 

The two southern towns are the genealogically-confirmed towns of origin for the two lines, while the northern one is a possible older town of origin for one of the lines, based on oral tradition and surname etymology. Without that second part, I would think that the common ancestor of these two lines lived in approximately the same area, being southwestern Ukraine around the Carpathian mountains. But if the oral tradition is accurate, the MRCA for these two lines likely would have lived in that town, and the lines made two separate trips south. 

The next steps for research into this subclade are:
1) To test the possibility of an origin in that northern town, either through genealogical research or finding a third clademate to add more geographic context. 
2) To attempt to find and test possible clademates for FT34550. 

The new subclade can be viewed here. As always, please post a comment or email an admin in you have any questions. Also, the results of the E-Y17357 Geographic Census will be announced soon! Thanks!

- Leo
